How You Can Help
Donations help us in our mission to empower and uplift the Ninilchik community and its youth.
There are multiple ways to donate.
Click the Donate button here on our website!
Donate using Square Up with a credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Cash App.
Donate with Venmo @thriveninilchik
Mail us a check made payable to Thrive Ninilchik
to PO Box 39641, Ninilchik, AK 99639
Thrive Ninilchik is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
With each donation, we ask that you complete our Donation Survey to help us understand your goals for this donation.
If you donate using the link on our website, you will be asked to choose the desired areas you want your donation to go toward. We value your input, and we want to make sure your donation has the intended impact.
If you donate in any other way, this survey will be emailed to you with your receipt.